Monday, February 20, 2012

Liebster Award Again

Liebster Award .. I have received this award several times and want to thank these ladies for thinking of me and honoring me with this award. 

I am so honored to receive this award from my fellow Texan, Sharon @ Rusty and Redone. Sharon is a whiz at DIY projects, redoing and decorating. Check her out at

Grandma Barb's This & That ... Barb loves to decorate, garden, photography, travel, paint, and shop at thrift stores.
Her photos are outstanding ... check her out at

Melodee at Daffodil Hill ... Melodee is a teacher and writer and loves decorating.  See what she is inspiring us with.

Sharon explained the meaning of Liebster and this make the award even more special.
Liebster is German and means 'dearest' or 'beloved' but it can also mean 'favorite'.
I am extremely honored to be thought of  by these three bloggers that passed this award on to me.

What is a Liebster Award?

 The idea of the Leibster Award is to bring attention to blogs with less than 200 followers.  So, in the spirit of good fun I am passing this award on to these other new bloggers.  Please stop by and visit them.

If you are selected for this award, you need to:

1. Choose FIVE up and coming blogs to award the Liebster to. Blogs must have less than 200 followers.

2. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.

3. Post the award on your blog. List the bloggers you are giving the award to with links to their sites.

 I am happy to pass this award to :

Mel at There's No place Like Home.  Mel is very new to blogging and loves DIY projects, refinishing and repurposing anything that inspires her.  She is a first time homeowner, and meeting the challenges of decorating on the cheap!

Candy  @ Pickin and Painting.
Candy does a beautiful job of refinishing furniture and be sure to look at her blog on hand painted lampshades ... she is quite an artist.  

Poppy @ Poppy Juice  Poppy runs a licensed daycare in her spare time and sings in a band. Poppy and her husband have an organic vegetable garden and are "do-it-yourself" kind of

Carlene at Organized Clutter Queen ...  See how nicely she organizes her clutter and makes everything so pretty.

Beth M. at Under a pile of Scrap  ... Beth is a very talented
paper crafter and gardener; loves camping and travel. Check out her lovely work at and crafting ideas.

Blessing to everyone.
Audrey Z.


  1. Congratulations again! I'm off to check out the blogs you recommended. ~ Maureen

  2. Congrats Audrey - off to check out your nominees and those who nominated you too !

  3. Hi Audrey, thanks for passing on the Liebster award and congratulations on the versatile blogger award.
    I was really busy last week and gone over the weekend so I am trying to catch up here.

  4. I also work but will work on passing on the award this weekend!

  5. I love that idea. I will be on the look out for some old light fixtures.
    Have a great weekend.


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