Wednesday, August 29, 2012

#3 Washtub and Memories

Old washtubs bring back so many memories ... the old ringer washers; tubs full of rinse water and clothes hanging on the line. 

After the wash was finished, we used the water to water trees. We had the best peach tree ever. One time, my older sister bent over and got her long hair caught in the ringer on the washer. 
I love them and have several in my yard. I use them to catch rain water and for plants. This one has such great patina and very aged original labels.

I think this is the first #3 tub that I have found ... 
This old wheel barrow turned planter, has been sitting empty all year in the other end of this planter bed, hidden behind the propane tank; so I rolled it up in front of the birdbath where it could be seen from the back porch.

I borrowed pot plants from other areas and sat them in the tub. I have some custom made aluminum planter boxes for it and hope to get them planted with mums for the Fall season.
Anyway, along comes one of our squirrel friends to get a drink of water and seems to say ...
"what the heck is that thing was doing here".
He approves and will just lie there and enjoy ...
 but nothing to eat there. 
He has enjoyed stealing all our green pecans.
Maybe he has a tummy ache. 

Time to leave now and go climb the pecan tree.

All the grassy stuff is chives that have taken over the bed. In the background in front of the shop; the chives are blooming, but not in this bed yet. Last year, we dug a lot of them out, but there is no getting rid of them.

I bought the tub as an Estate Sale for $18.00 ... maybe a little out of my budget for wash tubs, but it has a great look. I don't know if the dark places are rust or paint ... I am thinking rust, but not damaged as yet. 

I am enjoying it very much and it looks so nice in front of the bird bath. 

Thanks for stopping by. I love your comments.

Linking to: 
SavvySouthern Style  

Knick of Time   

I Gotta Create   Current LINKY theme!


  1. Galvanized tubs and pails are my favorite planters too. Not sure if I have a number 3 or not.

  2. I love olden tubs, too. In fact, I have a post in draft of the old tubs and one like we used to bath in a loooong time ago. :) A cute story along with it. lol

    I sure wish I had the tubs my mother and Mr. Sweet's mother had. No telling where they ended up. Like you, they hold so many memories for me...and the clothes on the line...oh, dear, now I am getting teary eyed. :)
    Loved your post.

  3. Awesome tub! That squirrel is hilarious!! We've both had squirrels visiting our bird baths this summer. :)

    Thanks so much for linking up at I Gotta Create! <3 Christina

  4. That squirrel is too cute even though they like to eat our house. Great old tub.

  5. Love your old tubs and especially the old wheelborrow. Thanks for following, Ginger

  6. Adore that old tub and what you did with it !!

    And the pics of the squirrel are just too cute!!


  7. I love garden yard art! Yours is very nice. I have a little but would still like more!! Nancy at

  8. Our mother gave me and my baby sister a bath in a #3 at the same time.

    My mother gave me and my sister a bath - ages 3 and 5 - in a #3 tub at the same time, not until we went out and pumped cold water from the well and hauled it to the kitchen where the tub was. Mother heated a tea kettle of hot water on her wood stove to add to it. Water was still cold. I'm 96 and I still remember the #3. Esther Pahlka



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