Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Two-story Galvanized metal Bird Feeder. Squirrel proof, yet to see.

Most every Wednesday, I shop the 25¢ Sale at Finds Thrift Store. 

From the warehouse and the parking area, for just two hours, they sell donated items that they cannot put in the store, many of which are just 25¢. 

When I saw this galvanized chimney cover ... I thought 'galvanized', every one loves galvanized !!! Special tagged $4.00.

But, what can I do with it ... so I just walked past it ... and  immediately saw what it could become and turned back to get it. 

Sigh ... another lady had stopped and put her hand on it. I knew she was trying to figure a use for it. I stood behind her and was just hoping she would take her hand off it and walk on. It seemed like minutes, but she finally walked away and I grabbed it

 I also bought this nice vintage white door that it is sitting on.
This will likely became a hall tree with a bench. 
$15.00 and loaded with nice hardware and a glass window.

Okay ... back to the galvanized chimney cap ... 
do you see what I am making? 

You guessed it ... a "squirrel proof" -  two story wild bird feeder.

I have built "squirrel-proof" feeders before, but squirrels are pretty smart ... so we will see.  

 Mr. Z. and I added a wooden platform to the end of the legs, putting a frame of thin boards to keep the seed from falling out.

Also floored the first open section about one inch below the opening. The lower section is pretty narrow, but birds do not have trouble getting in there. I primed and painted both boards to protect them from the weather.

 The first bird to visit was a little house wren. The roof has a nice over-hang to keep the birds and seed dry. I painted the roof  barn-red and distressed it just a little on the corners.   We laced rope in the chains and hung it in a tree with our other feeders. We had to move the yellow one to another location. Both the white and the yellow feeders are made with lamp parts and were to be squirrel proof, but the smart little squirrels figured ways to get in them.

 This one was moved to a tree next to our workshop.  The birds love these two feeders. 
 Doves love the white one. 
There is at least twelve, maybe thirteen,
Texas Whitewing Doves on this feeder. 

 I have not seen a Dove try to get in this one as yet.

The top section is large enough for a dove, but they are a little clumsy in flight and may not be able to land in there.

 I also feed the birds in the large rusty wire bird cage on the far left. 
The door is wired open and they go right in. They make a mess on the patio ... but we enjoy them so. 

These pictures were taken through our kitchen windows.

Beautiful Cardinals ... there is also a concrete feeder in the background to the right. 

We have lots of birds.

Thanks for the visit.
Do you think this feeder is worth the $4.00 I spent? 

Do you enjoy watching the wild birds?

We have had a lot of different birds pass through here. 
Hope to post on them soon. 

Audrey Z. 

Linking to:

What's It Wednesday #91Ivy and Elephants


  1. Definitely worth the $4 bucks.
    That is pretty cheap now days for ENJOYMENT AND SHEER PLEASURE!
    You have a very keen eye for repurposing I'll tell you that much.
    It is nice to see the dove feeding...but you know DOVE season just opened up and you are just fattening up those little rascals.
    We have lots of birds here too.
    This has been our best year for hummingbirds, but they'll be gone on their way soon.
    take care, Pat

  2. Happy Dance (well, maybe not the squirrels). Love seeing your bird feeders (in action). Those cardinals on the red roofed new bird feeder - lovely.

  3. Audrey,
    LOVE the bird feeders!!

    I have been having trouble with plateau's on my Weight Loss Journey. It seems like I get stuck then lose a bit and then get stuck again. But I am keeping at it..


  4. Hi Audrey....nice to meet you. My husband and I are avid birders! I enjoyed your crafty idea and loved your bird feeder photos. We too feed the birds in our back yard and have had several wonderful species come through our way. Right now it's mostly hummingbirds, flycatchers, doves, sparrows and a few orioles. I love it when the buntings come here. They're so colorful.

    Anyway, I saw your comment while I was visiting bj [sweet nothings] and thought I'd stop by to introduce myself to another Texas blogger!!!

  5. Hi Audrey, thanks for visiting my blog. Besides growing roses and beautiful flowers, I am also a Backyard Birder. You will have to go back to my Wed. blog this past week --to see some of my birds. I also had a Bluebird post a couple of weeks ago. To see my bird posts, go to my sidebar, scroll down to LABELS and find Birds 2013 or Bluebirds 2013 or Woodpeckers 2013.... I love it --and Love that new feeder you made... WOW--that is awesome.

    My Bird Kitchen is on my deck --so I get good photos from inside... We have squirrels --but right now, not so many. Our biggest culprit is Raccoons at nights. Because of the raccoons, we put all birdfeeders away at nights in a big container on our deck.

    Love your blog and it's nice to meet you. I lived in Texas (south of Houston) for 12 years..

  6. Ahhh you are so very clever Audrey. How cute!

  7. Definitely worth $4.00, because you've made an adorable bird feeder. In fact all your bird feeders are great Audrey. I don't have any as my garden is very small and there is a crafty little cat who lives next door and seems to manage climbing everywhere.
    The cardinals are just amazing, what a great sight to see out of your kitchen window.

  8. I thought the same as Pat above about not feeding the doves during dove season :>) I love that you took a chimney cap and made it a bird feeder. I bet you your squirrel friends are studying it closely and will eventually figure a way to get the feed. The photo of the new feeder with the cardinals is my favorite!

  9. I can see why the birds are flocking to your yard - definitely worth $4!!

  10. Terrific finds!!! I always love an old door...and one with its hardware and glass. Perfect!! Oh my goodness, what adorable bird feeders you have. You are so clever. Love the picture with all the birds around them.
    Mary Alice

  11. Just the CUTEST !! I never, in a million years, would have thought of a bird feeder, but I see you have had the "vision" many times with different items.
    You did a great job on it.

  12. Oh, yes! Definitely worth $4 and you are so handy! You have so many nice bird feeders but how much do you have to spend in seed a week? I didn't know that doves would come to a bird feeder. But then mine is just a little one and probably too small for them!

  13. I'd say you're a genius - I'd never think of it as a birdfeeder but once I saw it finished a light bulb went off - OF COURSE it's a perfect birdfeeder!!!
    Great job!

  14. You have so many clever birdfeeders! We have some beautiful cardinals that I love to watch, I need to encourage their visits with a place to dine! I definitely need a feeder that is squirrel proof, we have a zillion!

  15. Fantastic finds! and I love the Bird Feeder, this one and all the others I see in your photos! You do the most creative things! I love to visit your blog!

  16. I'd call that four dollars well spent! Thank you for linking up with the Clever Chicks!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

  17. Great new birdhouse from the old chimney cover.... Hope it is squirrel-proof. :)


  18. So adorable! I love galvanized metal!

  19. I just love thrifting values like you found! Love the birdfeeder and the door! Wonderful post!

  20. Wild birds put on such a show! I love to see who stops by. I hope your new feeder works for you. Great idea. I would have been thrilled to find that super door too!

  21. i really like the bird feeder made out of old metal lamp shades
    I feed birds all winter by throwing seeds up on top of a very vintage metal shed I have outside my kitchen window

  22. That feeder is wonderful and you have so many birds! We have lots of doves too. It took forever to get the birds to come to our feeders but now we have lots of pretty visitors. Where are you in Texas? Have I asked you before? We live in Rockwall near Dallas.


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