Sunday, January 12, 2014

Thrift Shopping.Carpenter Tool Boxes

I LOVE Thrift Shopping ...

They are hand made Carpenter tool boxes and I think the small one held a special tool like a saw or drill.
"Hey girl, you were featured at Revisionary Life ...Revi"
"Thrifty Life Thursday."  Revisionary Life
thanks Revi ... really honored.
Looking forward to next week.
Here is the story ...
As you can see from the 2012 water marks on some of these photos, I have had these for a couple of years ... cleaned them up and displayed them on my front porch for a short while,
maybe just long enough to take these pictures.

Beautiful green but very faded ...
Love how the lid opens and makes a little shelf.

I used The Original BURNETT'S beauty rub to clean and recondition the tired and faded wood. 
                   I found this cream at an estate sale or garage sale and it is wonderful.     Feels good on the hands too. 

 Neat old hinges

Great display pieces as well as good storage.
Everything in this vignette has been bought at Thrift stores 
or Estate Sales. 
I am joining Revi at her first Link Party
Revisionary Life

Thrifty Life Thursday

Thrifty Life Thursday
A gathering place for thrift store shoppers, garage salers, and curbside junkers!
Come on over and have some fun.

 Also visiting:
Ivy & Elephants What's It Wednesday
Angie at Knick of Time Tuesday
Join Me on Tuesday for 

Kathe with an E ... You're Gonna Love It Tuesday

Thanks for the visit and would love your comment.
Audrey Z. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Wooden Sewing Thread Spool Christmas Ornaments and things she loves Play Room

My dear friend and neighbor has a room in her house that is really her "Playhouse".
It is a small room located just off the entry and may have been designed for an office or a very small formal living room.

This beautiful, blue-eyed cat is Jasmine ... along with Clyde and Sunshine, they think this is their room. Clyde was under the tree so could not get his picture. Sunshine was out basking in the sun.

Besides being the kindest lady I know, I might say she is pretty talented too.
This is all about recycling, re-purposing and things she loves.

For a few years, she has been making Christmas tree decoration
using the old wooden sewing thread spools. She must have hundreds and still making them.
Very interesting ... recycling ... and creative.
This would be a good craft for kids to stir their imagination.

You can click the pictures to enlarge them.  
Part from a beaded dress............................................................Buttons, beads, ribbon, yarn, chain.

As you will see ... she uses old jewelry, buttons, sewing scraps, laces, ribbon, yarn and just about anything to decorate these old wooden spools. Sometimes she lets the color of the thread shine through and become part of the color.

This tree is loaded with spool ornaments she has made.

As you can see in the background, her room is just full of treasures. I just had to take some pictures to show you. On the floor, on a Christmas rug, is a train that her great grandson loved at Christmas.

She display her costume jewelry just by pinning them to pillows.

Love this green depression glass tall stemmed sugar bowl.

These two dolls were in a doll trunk in the attic of a house her sister bought. She gave them to her.
Very old and in perfect condition. The clothes on the big doll are cashmere and not a hole in them.

 This beautiful, huge, antique, wooden dough bowl belonged to her Father.
She has it filled with dried roses, flowers and butterfly vine seed pods. Little birds in there too.

Yes, these seed pods look just like a butterfly. Some dried brown and some green.
Look closely ... this bloom is the shape of a butterfly. I think the seed is in the middle section.

She has spools and supplies in a box ready to made into beautiful decoration when she has a few minutes.

Such fun to go in someone's Playroom that has so many lovely things and feel her joy as she tells you about everything. 

What is your fun recycling craft?

Linking to:

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