Sunday, January 12, 2014

Thrift Shopping.Carpenter Tool Boxes

I LOVE Thrift Shopping ...

They are hand made Carpenter tool boxes and I think the small one held a special tool like a saw or drill.
"Hey girl, you were featured at Revisionary Life ...Revi"
"Thrifty Life Thursday."  Revisionary Life
thanks Revi ... really honored.
Looking forward to next week.
Here is the story ...
As you can see from the 2012 water marks on some of these photos, I have had these for a couple of years ... cleaned them up and displayed them on my front porch for a short while,
maybe just long enough to take these pictures.

Beautiful green but very faded ...
Love how the lid opens and makes a little shelf.

I used The Original BURNETT'S beauty rub to clean and recondition the tired and faded wood. 
                   I found this cream at an estate sale or garage sale and it is wonderful.     Feels good on the hands too. 

 Neat old hinges

Great display pieces as well as good storage.
Everything in this vignette has been bought at Thrift stores 
or Estate Sales. 
I am joining Revi at her first Link Party
Revisionary Life

Thrifty Life Thursday

Thrifty Life Thursday
A gathering place for thrift store shoppers, garage salers, and curbside junkers!
Come on over and have some fun.

 Also visiting:
Ivy & Elephants What's It Wednesday
Angie at Knick of Time Tuesday
Join Me on Tuesday for 

Kathe with an E ... You're Gonna Love It Tuesday

Thanks for the visit and would love your comment.
Audrey Z. 


  1. I LOVE the carpenter made tool boxes. Great paint, lots of wear. Useful, decorative, handy.

  2. I think you may have been a carpenter in a past life you are perty handy Lol. The green is a great color Take care Rob

  3. I love what you did with these!!! Seriously, this makes for a great display of all the items!! I'm very impressed Audrey.

  4. They really cleaned up nicely and I love how you have displayed them!

  5. Audrey, you always find the best stuff! I love those tool boxes, and would have grabbed them myself. Thanks so much for joining the party and for your free advertising! You're such a sweetheart.

  6. I love the candelabra in the carpenter box! Fun!

  7. Hey girl, you were featured at Revisionary Life "Thrifty Life Thursday."

    1. Thanks Revi ... I am really honored. I will post your featured button.

  8. I loved that you styled the toolboxes with the silver in the vignette. The patina is perfection!

  9. I like your tool boxes too. You find and do the neatest things! Nancy

  10. A Great Transformation... I too Love a good Tool Box or Vintage Industrial piece to repurpose!

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  11. Audrey, those boxes are just gorgeous, if that can be said about tool boxes, lol. Great color, great patina, and great look of yesteryear. Thanks for telling us about that rub, Pinning that so hopefully I'll remember to look for some. My dad always used GoJo! He swore it worked great for cleaning up old wood. You made some really nice vignettes with these. Hmmm I know where I can get a really cool orange one, now I want to go buy it....

  12. What a great find! I love how you've displayed and re-purposed them.

  13. OOO, boy, I love those olden boxes. You always work wonders with your treasures...:)

  14. Hello, congratulations for your blog is fantastic and you have very style. I´m your new follower. Kisses from Spain.
    See you:

    1. Thank you Maria ... really appreciate your visit and nice comment.

  15. I love your vignette in the green tool box!!! Who would have thought to include a silver candelabra? It looks fabulous!!
    Mary Alice

  16. Happy New Year Audrey! What a clever and cute vignette you inspired. LOVE it!

  17. Great looking boxes and vignette! I have to remember that Burnett's Beauty Rub

  18. These are so cool! I think I've found a project for this year!!! Thanks for the inspiration Audrey!

  19. Those are wonderful! I'd love to run across something like that. Reminds me of my grandfather.

  20. Wow, those are some awesome boxes! Love the greens on those. Must have been the color to use back then. Great finds!

  21. love the boxes and the vignette, audrey:) i can't pass up old tool boxes--so much you can do with them:)


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