Walking into Dollar Tree you are greeted with all this colorful summer fun stuff ... decorations for Memorial day and Spring.
Looking at all the fun stuff, I almost forgot about the cookies. If I was having a pool or patio party and needed decorations or cookies, the first place I would go would be Dollar Tree.
Well, I remembered Debbie at Debbiedoo's and Shannon at Fox Hollow Cottage are having a Dollar Tree Summer Decor Link Party and just maybe I can find something to blog about.
Truth be told ... after I saw that cute Gecko on "bj's" plate ...
I just had to have one.
So, when I saw this big green Gecko in the $ Store ... the decor wheels started turning. They were so nice and I loved that he was green. I bought five ... just knowing I would find uses for them.
These bug/fly swatters in the shape of butterflies, flowers and bugs in the middle were really nice and only 50¢ each.
Then came the colorful plastic watering can ... (can always use one of these) ... then picked three clumps of grass and the Gecko. All I needed for a cute flower arrangement. Cost would be $8.00. Not bad for a cute centerpiece and usable items. Can also be used for a door decoration ... but might need a burlap bow.

I tucked the handles inside ... cut a plastic milk jug and a plastic juice jug in half and fitted them in the bag added cardboard inside the front to strengthen and give it shape. Glued the Gecko to the bag with hot glue and put some potting plants inside that I had bought for the yard. This centerpiece cost $2.00 to make, plus the plants, but you have a choice of live plants, live flowers or anything from your yard or garden.

I really liked this look and enjoyed it while I had my lunch.
I topped a thick slice of tomato and some lettuce with a small amount of left-over chicken salad. Fruit and crackers rounded out the simple lunch.

For dessert, I had two chocolate covered gram crackers that I bought at the Dollar Store ... I think there are 18 cookies in the package for $1.00.
Now wasn't that fun ???
Summer decorations, cookies and Geckos all over the place.

Just hanging around and waiting for the party to begin.