Of course you do, because you know that it always ends with ... "they lived happily ever after" !!!
Well, this little old lady just hates to throw stuff away and loves to re-cycle.
Several years ago, she bought this used pretty arts and craft metal sculpture of a water lily and ducks ...
... she had picked up an antique, cast iron kitchen sink from her sister ... painted it a beautiful aqua blue ... set it in the ground and turned the metal sculpture into a fountain ... and made a 'frog pond' ... yes, frogs lived there ...
It made a beautiful screen to hide the water collection tank behind the shop ... well almost hide it.
Years passes and 'the little old lady' could no longer get down on the ground to clean and take care of the pond, so it was removed. The cast-iron sink got stored away and the beautiful water lily fountain just sat outside on that picket fence shelf and rusted away.

Now, several years more passed and the rusty water lily fountain and the welcome signs just sat there.
Then the little old lady was cleaning out and getting ready for a garage sale and decided it was time to do something with the rusted-falling-apart-fountain or throw it away.
She cleaned it up, salvaged as much as she could and cut one new lily pad from an old piece of tin ripped off the bottom of a plant container.

She built a water lily blossom with two of the $Store tin sunflowers. Four pedals had holes in them for the welcome signs, so she drilled holes in four more petals and hung facet cut crystals to the pedals. (plastic)
After adding the new pieces and a little paint she was ready to test her luck in getting this fountain to work.

She could not put the original fountain back like it was so just used a bucket filled with water to test the fountain ... well lo and behold ...

it pumped water up through the blossom, falling off to the large leaf and then to the small leaf to drop back into the water do it all over again. This made the newly painted little ducks below very happy.

Now the little old lady still cannot get down on the ground to take care of the fountain, so this sculpture will just have to be an above ground fountain ... or just an art piece.

Frogs may not live there, but the the water lily fountain will
"live happily every after" or until it goes to 'rust-heaven'.

Enjoy the wonders of nature ...
Have you every heard the frogs croaking after they lay their eggs? Almost as pretty as a birds song.
Thanks for your visit ... I would love a comment to know you were here.
Audrey Z.
Linking To:
Ivy and Elephants What's it Wednesday

Revisionary Life: Thrifty Life Thursday

Knick of Time ... Tuesday

Lavender Garden Cottage: cottage-style-party-