I remember the days when I would get up early Christmas morning with eagerness to see what Santa had left under the Christmas tree.
I did get up early Christmas morning, not to see what Santa had put
under the Christmas tree, because I was Santa and knew what was under
the tree.
I was up early to start preparing food before everyone arrived.
What I found was not exactly what I was expecting this Christmas morning ...

As I approached the fireplace to turn on the Christmas lights, I stumbled over something on the floor. I finally reached the remote for the lights and found that our huge Christmas wreath had somehow fallen from the fireplace was laying face up on the floor with the string of lights still attached.
Now this is a pretty tall fireplace. How it got off that very secure nail and ended face up on the floor; I will never know.
Lucky that it only took one small snowman down with it.
Then something was wrong with my camera and this was the best picture I got. I was beginning to wonder what was going on.
Is there such a thing as a "Christmas ghost"?

I got the wreath back together as best I could and put it back in place. Some of the red birds are still misplaced but it looked presentable.

I think this big Snowman is laughing about all the strange things that have happened this morning or maybe he is just happy that it is Christmas and he gets to come out of the closet.
Hope your Christmas was exciting and happy.
Happy New Year too ....
Audrey Z.
My $10.00, scrawny little Christmas tree that I have used the last three years is decorated with thrifted and Dollar Tree items.
More about the scrawny tree can be seen HERE.
Dollar Tree decorations:
White Reindeer, Red plastic balls, white slinky toys, Joy ornaments.
Little snow covered bird houses were a Thrift store buy 23 for $5.00 ... new with tags.
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