Diana from Adirondack Girl @ Heart emailed to say she had chosen my blog to be featured on her Vintage Blog of the Week
Oh my, was I ever surprised, thrilled and a little nervous
wondering what in the world could she say about me that would be interesting.
I did not feed her any information ... well, I did give her my age.
She just snooped around in my blogs and I will say,
she is good and she is a talented writer.
She just snooped around in my blogs and I will say,
she is good and she is a talented writer.
What she does requires a lot of time!
I am really impressed with Diana.
Here is a quick peek at some interesting wooden cobbler forms
I thrifted recently.
I tied them together with leather string
I thrifted recently.
Vintage wooden English riding boot form for keeping the shape or stretching. (sold on eBay)
19" tall I tied them together with leather string
because they do not fasten together.
Four pieces ... front, back, foot and stretcher. The pieces are dovetailed to fit together. The middle piece with the ring on the top is the stretcher.
This is pushed between the back and front to stretch the boot or keep it in shape. The form will fit together without the center piece
This is a pair of short boot cobbler forms. They work the same way as the tall boots. The toe part and the front (shin part) are hinged together. The stretcher part slides in between them to stretch or shape.
(sold on eBay)
Common Cobbler's shoe forms.
May 5 1952
8 D
Square toed baby shoes.
one is marked 4A and the other 4½A
Do not know what 66 means.
4124 child shoe
13½ C
marked Empire Branch
U. ? Co.
NOV 1945
Baby high-top
Adult shoe form
marked 23.
Tole painted with strawberry and flower vine.
Thanks to all of you for visiting and for your sweet comments.
I hope you will hop over and pay Diana a visit ...
she is sure to inspire you.
She is so kind and so helpful to other bloggers.
She is so kind and so helpful to other bloggers.
She loves thrifting, collecting and is very knowledgeable about about history and art which she happily shares.
Diana at Adirondack Girl @ Heart
Thanks again Diana ...
Thanks again Diana ...
So HAPPY to be featured by ....